
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Our Annual Report For 2018-2019

For the past several years, we have used Microsoft Sway for our platform to share library annual reports. Previous to this, I essentially shared a one-sheet text document that contained our statistics. It was a rather boring way to share the report, but it worked for many years. I like how Sway allows us to share important photos, videos, and text with library stakeholders!

View our 2018-2019 annual report here.

While there are many things that library programs do throughout the year, somehow we have to give our stakeholders a snapshot of the year in our reports. We want them to end the year thinking about how the library program made a difference in the learning community. Most importantly, we want to give them a return on their investment in the facilities, resources, and our own salaries! 

What I Share

Some years I've shared more information while for some I've cut back on how much I include in the report. At a minimum, I try to share our library statistics, library collaborations for the year, and reservations made in the library. It is good to be mindful that stakeholders are busy (especially administrators), and they probably will not look through a really long report. However, some administrators might expect a detailed annual report. You will have to use your best judgment as you put your report together. No one knows your school better than you!

I always try to pick the best time to share my report. If I were to share it the last day of school, administrators would be bogged down with so many tasks they wouldn't get to look at it. I generally try to share it during June and/ or July when all administrators are back from their vacations.

Final Thoughts

Over the past 11 years, I've worked for two school districts as a secondary teacher-librarian. Both superintendents I've worked for have been impacted by the sharing of a library annual report. I can recall both of them made comments about our library statistics after I had shared the report. My most recent superintendent still makes comments about our annual report statistics. I think it is important to note that a district superintendent is like a CEO of a company. They are interested in seeing evidence of efficient use of funding and personnel. Gone are the days when we are guaranteed a job as a school librarian. Don't be afraid to share the work you do. It is not bragging. It is showing value and relevance. Be sure to share your annual report in the comments below! 

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1 comment:

  1. Hello, Great idea! I was unable to open up your report on Sway. Any hints to get it to open?
