
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Lead The Way To "Finish The Race Strong" From The School Library

It's that time of year. You have been running strong since August. Students are ready for summer; you can sense this feeling more each day. Everyone is ready for a break! It's ok to be tired. It's ok to look forward to a vacation this summer, but it's also essential to keep going strong right up to the last day. Here are a few tips to keep the motivation up and lead the way from the school library.

1. Reflect on the great things you have done with students and teachers this year. Show short videos or slideshows of meaningful programs from this school year. Display them in the library, so students can see them. This will ignite powerful memories of learning for you and your learning community.

2. Continue greeting students and building relationships. By late May, very often students will come in making requests without saying "hello" or "good morning". Mr. Ray Borel (one of our library assistants) and I generally always follow up these impersonal requests with, "Good morning/ good afternoon, how are you?" This almost always snaps the student out of the moment and reminds them of the personal aspect of school. It also teaches citizenship/ manners. We then try to always take a moment to ask them how things are going for them (while we are completing their requested task). This may seem like a small thing, but we have noticed that these types of investments pay off big dividends! Relationships are key, especially in May! We never know the impact of merely greeting or listening to students. We might be the only adult that gives the student a voice!

3. Look for opportunities to share new materials or summer programs. We have scheduled a few of our local public librarians to come for a visit in a few weeks (Garland County Library)! The local YA librarians always do a great job advertising their summer public library programs and generating excitement with prize giveaways! If you don't have a local county or city library, try doing a Skype or Google Hangout session with a public library that is close enough for your patrons to visit in the summer. If you host your own summer programs, now is the time to be advertising your summer hours! Generate excitement!

4. Build up the teachers and administrators in your building. Take the time to listen and encourage these important adults in your building. They are tired and overwhelmed, too. We are all stronger together. If they have ideas or questions for next year, show interest and help them. Remember that you are a leader in your building. You are also an agent of change. Your positive influence will be contagious... even in May.

5. Make a decision to enjoy the final days of school! Realize that you can make a difference, even in these last days. Countdowns are fine, but keep sight of what is important! Make a difference for your learning community!

Watch this quick inspirational quote video:

Stay motivated, and have a great week!

Need motivation? Watch some of my "Motivational Monday" inspirational quotes on YouTube here!

Check out our first Makerspace Day in the library here!

Check out our first MysterySkype Session in the library here!

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  1. Thanks for this, Stony! I'm about to share this with my LMS.

    1. Thanks for this encouragement, Melinda! I work hard to remember these points each year as things wind down 💪
