
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Our First Mystery Skype! (#mysteryskype)

I have heard of Mystery Skype sessions and Mystery Hangouts for many months while trolling social media. A few weeks ago, Heidi Harris (@heidibobeidi), a teacher in Lincoln, Maine contacted me on Twitter to see if we were available for a Mystery Skype session. I checked with our 8th grade social studies teacher, Mr. Brooks Lee, to see if he would be interested in allowing one of his classes to participate in the event. He was very intrigued by the idea, so I set out to investigate exactly how one of these sessions needed to work. Mrs. Harris was very helpful and sent me a link to a blog that contained a video showing how to set up the library/ classroom (go here for that link). I shared this video with Mr. Lee, so he could show it to his students.

We decided to set up these station areas in the library: Inquirers/ Responders (all at the webcam), Atlas Checkers, Google Map Checkers (both iPads and laptops), Logic Reasoners (these individuals decide which questions to ask next), Photographers, Video Camera Operators, Question Keepers, and Runners (to relay information).

Atlas Checkers

Google Map Checkers

Mr. Lee's class met in the library the day before for about 20 minutes, so we could go over the different jobs in the library. He had students submit their requests for which jobs they wanted. It ended up with this breakdown for personnel in each position:

Inquirers/ Responders- 4
Atlas Checkers- 3
Google Map Checkers- 5
Logic Reasoners- 3
Photographers- 2
Video Camera Operators- 2
Question Keepers- 2
Runners- 4

The goal was to discover the other school's location by using questioning techniques with yes or no answers.

The day of the session arrived, and everything fell right into place. The students seemed to know exactly what to do! We started the session, and you could feel the excitement in the room as questions were answered. The question keepers typed the answers on a computer connected to a projector displaying for all to see. It took about 30 minutes for both schools to complete discovering each others' location.

Question Keeper Screen

At the end of the session, most of our students rushed the screen to communicate with the classroom in Maine. They asked questions about their state, and Mrs.Harris did a great job of reaching out to our students! She shared information about their town and school. Our students shared about our location in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mr. Lee and I just stepped back and let the kids take the conversation with Mrs. Harris. It was so exciting to see them completely engaged in this new activity. The picture below captured the moment perfectly. I have shown this picture to countless teachers and students over the past few days.
This picture represents why I continue teaching! Engagement and inspiration!

Mr. Lee had the students share their reflections after the session. Here are some of the highlights:

"I liked the Mystery Skype. It helped us learn about the country and more about Maine. The Mystery Skype was interesting and unique. I enjoyed using deductive reasoning to narrow out the state, city, and school."

"The Mystery Skype today was so cool!!! I never knew it even existed before today. I enjoyed watching our class problem solve to try to figure out where they lived."

"I very much liked this experience! I got to meet new people from a different state and learn what they eat and do there! I would love to do Mystery Skype again! Thank you for letting me experience this wonderful activity!"

"Very interesting Skyping a school from another state. It became very exciting when we would get close to their general area. We would love to do this assignment again. Google mapping was fun."

We need more engaging learning activities like this to allow students to problem solve and work as a team. It was a great day that reminded me why I teach... to help engage and inspire young minds in the library media center!

We cannot wait for the next Mystery Skype session in the Lakeside High School library!

Click here to see how we used Google Hangouts to collaborate with a school across town for a 9/11 program!

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  1. Hi Stony,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. This fall I am student teaching and would like to use Global Read Aloud day as a way to connect with another classroom in a different state (or country). Have you participated in GRA?

    1. Jessie, thank you so much for typing this note! It is encouraging to me that others are reading about what we do at LHS! I have not tried GRA- but I am willing to do this! We should connect our students via webcam! We love to take down walls by using technology to connect to the world! Please stay in touch with me and we can try a program this fall?

      All the best to you, my friend!


  2. This is great! Could we also utilize webex technology for something like this instead of Skype? All that would be needed is network and a webcam.

  3. Yes indeed! We have used both Skype and Google Hangouts for this activity, Wollmy. Any webcam connection should work great! Your students will love it, friend!


  4. yes yes yes....thanks from are the best, simply the best... Visit :- Skype Technical Support Also Call +1-800-231-4635 USA (Toll Free).

  5. I really want one of my teachers to try a mystery skype. I keep talking it up. I will share this post with them. Keeping fingers crossed someone bites!!!

    1. They will love it! Let me know if you don't get a taker. Email me and maybe I can help 😊

  6. Keep up the good work, Stony,

    I liked the way you had the students organize themselves into the different roles. Also, putting the questions a day answers on display probably helped students better understand the problem solving process they were engaging in. I'm helping a lot of English Language teachers here in Brazil use Skype in their classrooms to boost students' language and critical thinking skills, so your post will be a good read for many of them who are still somewhat reluctant to get on board.
    Take care and thanks again
