
Friday, February 20, 2015

Student Blogs... A "Living" Resume?

I decided to work on a Friday when school was out to get caught up on some tasks. We have a CAPS (Career Advising and Planning Services) program at Lakeside High School. I had arranged to have a CAPS visit with a parent and student on this day since I was at work. The purpose of the meeting is to go over the student's course selections for next year and to answer any questions that might come up.

When time permits in CAPS meetings, I love to find out what students career interests might be. The student I met with today is in 9th grade, and she talked about her passion for physical therapy. She and her parent even talked about a possible internship in the coming months. What a great opportunity!

As a teacher librarian, I started this professional blog about a year ago. Since then, I have seen countless blogs online. One particular student blog stands out to me. Marc Guberti is a teenage entrepreneur from New York. I connected with him on Twitter and have been watching how he markets his services, his blog, and his book on social media. I have even had sessions during lunch in the library where I showed students how to create and market a blog on social media. I use Marc Guberti as a model for best practices. Marc was even kind enough to consult with one of our students via email! Check out his blog here.

Fast forward to our CAPS session. The student that has a great interest in physical therapy for a career is a perfect candidate for a blogger! I told her and her mother she should consider starting a blog to keep a journal of all her experiences in the field of physical therapy. She is going to take Lakeside's sports medicine class next year. The activities in this course could easily turn into  3-5 blog entries per week. She could add in any practical experiences with photos, links, and/ or videos. If she did this for a period of four years, she would have an incredible journey recorded and a "living" resume electronically documenting her personal growth. We can all look good on paper; but if a person has concrete evidence in the form of a multimedia blog, they would easily stand out!

Having this blog has helped us have a record of collaborations and activities we conduct in the library. I had never considered the possibilities for students until recently. This could have a huge impact on our students' future opportunities in college and beyond. Teenage entrepreneur Marc Guberti has figured this out! Let's encourage our students to blog!

Click here to read a student submitted article called, Not Just A Room With Books.
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