
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

National Library Week 2014

Last year we started programs at the Jr. High Library during National Library Week that went over very well with the learning community. We began by having a theme of "The Library of Yesteryear" so that we could show students how libraries have changed over the past 2 or 3 decades. We wanted to give them a taste of the rich history of school library media centers! We decided to dress in stereotypical "librarian" clothing and find artifacts we could display in the library media center during our lunch programming. We also decided to "shush" students for the introductory session. This is the second year we have used this theme successfully. Students and faculty have given us great reviews for reaching out to the learning community in this way!

This is a great opportunity to promote your library and generate some interest! Students and teachers love to get in pictures!

Pictured from left to right : Misti Bell (LMS), Stony Evans (LMS), and Ray Borel (Library Assistant). 

We were fortunate enough to have a few vintage Apple Computers loaned to us for the day by a student at the high school. The students were very interested in this older technology! You can see them in the photos above and below.

During lunch students could come in and view the different table displays of older artifacts, play board games, or play on a few old video game computer emulators that students brought. You can see the traditional library artifacts we had on display below (reel of film, vinyl records, Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, library cards from the old card catalog, bag phones (cellphones), and even a typewriter).
One student brought a vintage Super Nintendo game system. This was a popular station for several students.

I know we can improve this program to be even more enriching for our school! Consider trying something like this for your students. I think you will get the interest of your learning community... and draw some new visitors to the library media center! 

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