
Monday, March 31, 2014

Reflecting on the AAIM Conference Day 1 and 2

There are so many things I have been exposed to at this conference. When you come to an educational technology conference it is inevitable that you will be overwhelmed with too much information. I usually try to focus on two or three things to bring back from the conference. I also take notes in the Evernote app for quick reference when I return to school and forget!

The big things I learned about yesterday and today:

1. The movement toward digital storytelling. I learned today that the corporate world is moving to the "storytelling" concept in advertising.

Example shown to us at the conference:

Here is an example of how we can get our students involved in digital storytelling (math example):

It looks like they used iMovie to make this video. Great example of digital storytelling with student involvement! (both of these videos were shown by Kathy Schrock at the conference) 

2. I learned about Quixey - which is a free search engine for apps.

3. I learned about Google Glass 

Amazing technology that we will no doubt be hearing more about. I think wearable technology will be more prevalent in the future!

There is so much more to talk about- but I have to keep this limited! More to share tomorrow! 

March 31, 2014

I was motivated to start a blog while attending the Arkansas Association of Instructional Media Conference. I think this will be a great way to reflect on new technology and concepts that we use in the Lakeside High School Library Media Center. There are so many tools available today, it is mind boggling! Collaboration is key!